Yoga For Student Athletes
Our Yoga for Athletes program was developed by Katie Shults the owner of Build Yoga and Wellness. With more than 30 years of experience supporting people through yoga, Katie is a dedicated leader in the health and wellness field. This program was developed to focus on the whole athlete, complimenting a student’s current athletic program; emphasizing body alignment and physical literacy with enhanced mental focus and breathing to improve performance and recovery. Cross training with yoga supports peak performance with less strain and wear and tear for the whole athlete.
Focused on the Whole Athlete
Yoga addresses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of being a competitive athlete. Each session is grounded in understanding and refining body alignment as well as facilitating a healthy mind-body connection. A skillful yoga practice helps athletes find a balance of strength and mobility for optimal performance, while also teaching breathing techniques to focus and calm the mind. The non-competitive nature of yoga provides the ideal recovery and stress reduction practice to support the whole athlete.
Body Alignment and Physical Literacy
Good body alignment helps students to become aware of unconscious postural patterns that can lead to injury and what they can do to make specific corrections. This involves balancing specific muscle groups, stabilizing joints, increasing mobility, strength practices and refined postural instruction.
Mental Focus and Breathing
Yoga’s emphasis on breathing and coordinating movement with the breath helps create a bridge between the body and mind. Breath practices not only help to expand endurance through breath capacity and function but are also a powerful tool for stress reduction and mental concentration. Improved concentration results in greater confidence.
Recovery and Stress Reduction
Every yoga session provides a supportive environment for developing balanced mobility, deep relaxation and stress reduction. Yoga empowers students with self care practices to help them in their athletic pursuits and beyond.
Q. What are some common causes of exercise-related injuries?
Over-exercising the same muscle groups and being locked into a routine that isn’t diversified. For example only running. To avoid running related injuries, aim for a balance of strength, stamina, and flexibility.
Not having a holistic plan or being a high performance individual who exercises erratically. Instead, you should create a consistent routine that prepares you for the level of activity that you want to do.
Not understanding your habitual posture patterns. Learning how to align and hold your body in a more optimal way can help to get to the root cause of a problem. For example, addressing foot turn out, forward head carriage, locking knees… etc.
Muscle imbalances are another common cause of exercise-related injuries. We offer feedback on where these places are and specific solutions for how to address them. For example, people with knee problems may have weak inner quadriceps and hamstrings and over activated outer rotators or glutes.
Inflexibility can also be the cause of exercise-related injuries. Isometric stretching is a good solution. We teach how to engage the muscles to align the bones and joints in optimal positioning for a safe balanced stretch.
Lack of strength in certain muscles. We can help you identify the muscles that are not firing and help you “wake up” and strengthen the dull areas. What makes our work so effective is that it is not just about performing a certain action but really breaking down how to do it in the most effective way.
Q. Does stretching prevent injury?
In general, yes. What makes yoga more effective than general stretching is a higher level of awareness of what you’re doing. I like to say “It’s not how far you go, but how you go, that matters.” We teach what I call physical literacy. We help people understand what they need for their particular body. For example, some people have hyper mobility in certain joints, and need to learn specific stabilizing actions. Understanding your own body and developing the skills and awareness of how to best support it is an important aspect of yoga.
Stretching can prevent injury because mobility is very important for healthy movement. Yoga provide athletes with a good range of movement. You’re working toward an overall sense of mobility. This is when it is most effective.
Q. Why is stress reduction important for athletes?
Learning how to manage stress gives athletes an added edge. Stress impacts our overall health and optimal functioning. Yoga offers specific stress reduction techniques that help the athlete be more comfortable, resilient and confident under pressure. These skills are transferrable to managing academic and personal stresses that can also effect an athletes performance.
Q. Why is yoga the ideal recovery practice?
A guided yoga recovery practice helps to balance out the demands, stress and physical strain of competition and regular training. The non competitive nature of yoga allows athletes to shift from performance mode into a stress free environment of self observation and self care. Unwinding physical tension, breathing deeply, relaxing the mind and being in the moment all help to recharge a depleted state.
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Customized Programming for Your Sports Team
We offer weekly, biweekly, monthly or seasonal programs. Sessions are typically one hour in length. Each program can be customized to a team’s specific needs.
Customized Programming for The Student Athlete
We offer weekly and monthly one-on-one student athlete coaching services.
Katie Shults - Owner of Build Yoga and Wellness
Katie has a refined understanding of bio-mechanics and stress management. She creates specialized programming based on each individual team and player’s needs. She has extensive experience with group and individual training and is a relatable and inspired educator. Katie brings over 30 years of experience to elevate the student athlete’s performance.
Customized One-on-One Training with Katie
Our Yoga for Student Athletes program, developed by Katie Shults, owner of Build Yoga and Wellness, is a comprehensive and personalized training program aimed at enhancing athletic performance and overall well-being. With a focus on body alignment, physical literacy, mental focus, and controlled breathing techniques, student athletes can achieve peak performance while minimizing strain and reducing wear and tear. Through tailored workouts, specific postural instruction, and the integration of yoga's practical tools, this program empowers athletes to strengthen, heal, and excel in their athletic pursuits.
3 month training package 12 Sessions $1,200